Master BroAndrew
Rev AA Scutt

Table of Contents

One Two Three Four

In the world of The Land of Ho

Visit The Land of Ho

Completed 1942 Words


654 1 0

Ginny had arrived on the island and made straight for the shelter that had been built for Whitey. She found him stretched out in the dying embers of the day, relaxing. 

“Cooey, Whitey, can you cope with a visitor?”

“Why, Miss Ginny, of course, you are most welcome. I was only just thinking about you all and how you fixed me up with this delightful island and lake and how fortunate I am.”

“How’s the wing?”

“Just fine, Miss, but it’ll never be the same again. Still, I won’t be needing it in quite the same way as I used to so that’s okay.”

  “Whitey, this is more than a social call, I’m afraid.”

“Oh, then what brings you here?”

 She explained to him the events of the past few hours and how it spelled danger for him and all concerned and also that there were Wardens on the trail of the would-be hunters. Her main concern was that he was not put in a position where he felt he had to retaliate in any way and if he could exercise his ability to ‘vanish’ that would be most advantageous. 

“Well, I don't want any trouble, you can be sure of that. And I’ll do as you suggest but, I can’t promise not to intervene if you or the others are threatened.”

“That’s fine, it shouldn’t come to that. Right, you should be inside with that wing, it’s turned decidedly chilly and you need to keep it warm”

It was at that point she felt the shiver of alarm run through her and cursed herself for being so careless.

“I think we may be a bit late for the caution tactic.” 

On cue Whitey vanished from sight leaving Ginny standing there staring at bushes that masked the area of a small landing stage that afforded access to the island. Something was approaching from that way and she sensed it wasn’t good. A minute later they appeared, two of the most vile PUKA, the epitome of EVIL she had ever seen. A product, a combination of Creatures who became disillusioned, dissatisfied, wanting more which led to them surrendering their identity to pure evil in exchange for magical powers. This made them slaves to and therefore tools of evil, carrying out all the deeds evil, on its own, can’t accomplish. They take many forms, these two came as oversized fierce wolves, black, red eyed, yellow teeth, wearing a permanent snarl. They came out of the shadows into the moonlight and their intent was not social. Carnage was on their agenda, death to any and everything in sight. That was their purpose, the one thing you could rely upon from them. 

Ginny had to think quickly, being a Shapechanger meant she could alter her form to suit the situation. Here there were two vicious killers bent on spilling blood. Her guess was Whitey’s blood because here he represented something pure. They must have been searching since, well, since whitey’s battle with Big Red, maybe? Now was not the time to surmise but to act. What was she going to do? Before she could do anything, others appeared on the scene.


“Whoa there, what have we here?” Sam was the first into the clearing, followed by the others. This caught the PUKA off guard, probably thinking they’d dealt with any added complications to their little foray. In a surprising burst of speed Archid was on one of them, knives slashing in perfectly aimed strokes a blur. Rock-son-of-Hud was upon the other almost as fast, his sheer size and muscle proving to be a real problem for the hapless PUKA, its back snapping in seconds. The triumphant Wardens hadn’t had time to think of what to do, they just did what was necessary and then stood back and took in the scene before them.

Ginny hadn’t been called upon to give away her secret this time due to the timely intervention of her friend Sam Childs and their very timely response  to a very nasty situation. 

”Where’s the big feller, is he alright?” Asked Sam.

“Oh, he’s fine and right here.” Responded Whitey as he began to materialise. “They were a bit nasty, weren’t they?” 

“They certainly were, Whitey. 

“Why the frown, Ginny, we beat them didn’t we?”

“We did, Sam, but I fear that that’s not the last we’ll see of them.”

“Why should they come back?”

“Because they know he’s here and to them he would be a great prize, either as a scalp to collect or worse still, a powerful ally.” 

Everyone looked at her, a puzzled look on each face.

“Would you mind explaining to this simple country Warden what you are suggesting?”

“I fear for Whitey here, he’s not fully fit yet and not ready for the kind of rough stuff those creatures deal out, We were lucky this time, only being two of them. Usually they operate in great numbers. These two were scouts, I’d guess. If they do return then it’ll be a different matter, one which we will need to be good and ready for, because believe me my friends, we are not right now. The first thing we need to do is ensure Whitey is safe while he finishes his recuperation.”

“Can I say something here? This business of keeping me safe till I’ve finished getting better.  I am a big boy now and can look after myself, I’ve still got my fire and I can become invisible. Got to be a winning combination don’t you think?”

Ginny moved over to him and placed her hand gently on his injured wing.

“Bless you, Whitey. No one is questioning your bravery, or your powers. But you are weak in other areas at present and these beasts will not just try to kill you, first I believe and I may be wrong, that they will try to recruit you. You would be a real asset to the darkness that drives these creatures. If they catch you at a time of weakness they may try to do that and they can be very persuasive under the right conditions, like, when you are tired or low?”

“Are you suggesting I would be persuaded to turn on you all, just like that, after all you have done?”

“What I am saying my friend is that these vile creatures can be far more devious than we would give them credit for and we need to be totally aware of this and what our response will be when the time comes for it will most assuredly come. We all need one another.”


“I think she’s right, you know.” Offered Sam. “No one questions your abilities and your valour when at full strength. As it is right now you are not there yet and we need you to be. I think we should find somewhere where you can lie low for a bit.”

“You mean hide?”

“He means safely out of the way for a time, we can’t be defending ourselves and watching your tail at the same time.”

“That’s not what I mean, Rock.”

“Son-of-Hud, if you please miss.” 

“Okay, okay, I understand, so what's next?” Said Whitey.

“I have an idea of a place where no one would think of finding you.”

“Tell me Whitey, when was the last time you tried your shape changing skills?”

“My what!?”

“Your ability to change your shape, you know, into something a bit different. I know that most of you dragons have that ability and I was rather hoping you did too.”

“Well now, young lady, I can’t rightly remember ever having tried.”

Ginny Looked at him questioningly.

“Alright, I did try once when I was young but it didn’t come to much and I never thought about it after that. Couldn’t see the point. I mean, I was big, powerful and had my fire, why should I alter my shape?”

“Because, my fine big, powerful friend with fire, if you did now it could well save everyone as well as yourself a whole lot of trouble and possibly help to save lives. That’s why.”

“Oh, well put like that I suppose I ought to give it a go, hadn’t I?”

“Er, yes. And furthermore, you will need to change your shape to order.”


“Really. Trust me, I’ll guide you through it.” 

“You mean you’ve had experience in this?” 

“A little.”

“So be it.”


All this time Sam listened patiently, knowing better than to interrupt, only speaking when he was sure Ginny had finished but then didn’t have to wait long as Ginny was well aware that he had many questions.

“Okay, Sam. I’m taking Whitey to stay with a friend, one of similar background, where he’ll be safe and able to get back to full strength, I’ll let you know once he’s settled. In the meantime you and your boys need to be alert, checking on all strangers new in town. I realise that won’t be easy being a destination for many visitors like it is but we are all vulnerable now they know of his presence.”

“Understood, Miss, we’ll be doubly careful from now on. Be assured.”

Ginny left with Whitey leaving Sam and his team to head back to town. 

In a secluded wooded area not far from the island Whitey began his shape changing exercises under Ginny’s tuition. He proved to be a quick learner and in a relatively short time, in shape changing terms he’d gone from beast to Peeps which was the desired shape for their immediate purposes. This wasn’t easy considering he had to shrink from dragon size of six metres to Peeps’ size which was a little over a metre tall. This was accomplished and they made for the settlement of Windy Ho and a meeting with Aunt Gwen. 

In Windy Ho Aunt Gwen led Ginny and Whitey, in his new guise to a small premises situated in a side street just off the main thoroughfare, they entered a the building under a sign that read ‘Mortician Bespoke’ Proprietor: Mr. Arthur Penn. Ginny looked at the sign and was about to comment when Aunt Gwen said.

“I know, I told him about that but he thought it sounded, well, classy.”  

“Good afternoon Arthur, how’s business. Not too busy I hope?”

“A very good afternoon to you too, Madam Gwen and to your niece I presume?”

“Pleased to meet you, Mr. Penn,”  said Ginny, stepping aside a little to reveal the figure of a stranger to the Settlement, “May I introduce you to your new partner, Wynston.”

“Welcome, Wynston and it’s Arthur.”


Once the two ladies had gone Wynston was shown what he had to do as Arthur’s assistant / partner. Again he showed himself to be a quick and even keen learner. “You should fit in really well here, Wynston.”

“It still feels a little strange, being this shape, I mean.”

“Ah you’ll get used to it, I did. Furthermore, as time goes on you will find it very rewarding but then that’s something you will learn in time, I’m sure. As for now we need to get you well and truly integrated into the community.”

“So how long have you been Peeped then?”

“Ah well, that’s a story and a half is that. I’ll tell you over a jar at the Inn, another acclimatisation lesson. One which is crucial to be accepted by the locals. A word of warning though. You don’t have to follow what they do exactly, that would be not just foolish but disastrous. No, you just follow my lead and initially say nothing, not until you find your feet.”

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