Master BroAndrew
Rev AA Scutt

Table of Contents

One Two Three Four

In the world of The Land of Ho

Visit The Land of Ho

Completed 1193 Words


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“And I’m telling you. I know where we can find a white one.”

“You’ve seen it, right?”

“Well, I haven't actually seen it but I am sure it’s there.”

“How come it’s never been found before then?”

“Hey, I only stumbled upon the place of its whereabouts by pure accident because I was lost at the time. I was trying to find my way back when I came across this hidden valley where there’s this island in the middle of a lake and that’s where I reckon it is.”

The bar in the Carve Up Inn, Oakwood-on-sea, was doing a roaring trade on this cold winter night. Outside snow was laying heavy on the rooftops of this modest tourist village. The populace were either staying in the warmth of their homes or here in the Inn, where Zeke Bridger, local poacher, character and self professed entrepreneur (failed) was telling his fellow poacher and friend, Ike Breed, of his latest discovery. Latest because he was always making discoveries that usually proved fruitless when challenged. But, this one was different, this one had really lit the flame of excitement in him and he was gushing over it. So much so that his friend, Ike, was beginning to feel a little uncomfortable because he was sure that everyone in the place could hear Zeke going on about this stupendous find. If it proved to be true then the fewer who knew about it for now, the better. 

“Keep it down a bit, Zeke, there are a lot of ears wagging in here.”

“Well then,” said Zeke. “You in?”

“In what?”

“Dummy! Are you in on finding it with me?”

“I thought you knew where it was?”

“You’re just being difficult now. Look, if you’d rather not then I’ll find someone else.”

“Just a minute, just a minute. Not so fast. First of all you know it’s illegal and secondly it’s dangerous.”

Zeke looked at his friend, tilted his head to one side and said.

“Since when has being illegal been a deterrent for yours truly Zeke Bridger? And, as for dangerous, if we were to bother about a little danger we’d probably die of boredom. Come on buddy, live dangerously with me and become famous.” 


Samuel Childs, Head Warden of Oakwood and surrounding district, was sitting at his desk contemplating going out on his last patrol of the day. The last patrol usually finished up at the Inn, not that Sam was a drinker, he found it paid to look in on that place once in a while just to see who was in the town. He was an excellent reader of people and could often smell trouble before it materialised. He and his second in command, Rock-son-of-Hud, who had giant’s blood running through his veins, entered The Carve Up Inn a little after the 22nd Hour and stood by the door for a few minutes taking in the general scene before them. There were the usual regulars, the resident joker, the town know it all and the town idiot. Nothing untoward then the barkeeper caught Sam’s eye, beckoning him over to the bar. Moving like a cat Sam moved slowly and smoothly making his way through the tables while Rock-son-of-Hud stayed by the door from where there wasn’t a nook or cranny he couldn’t see.

“One for the road, Sam?” Asked Toby, who wasn’t just the barkeeper but the owner.

“Thanks Toby but you know me.”

“You could’ve changed overnight.” Offered Toby, with a grin.

“What yuh got. Tobe? You signalled me over.”

“Ah, yeah, right. Two guys were in earlier and talking very conspiratorially, all furtive like but talking as loud and clear as fog warning watchman. A couple of times I caught, out of the corner of my eye, like, a couple of other characters giving them the once over. I tell yuh. Sam, I expected trouble but none occurred.”


“Well that was it. The two planners left and the others left a good half hour after.”

“Seeing as how the planners, as you call them, were talking loudly, what did you hear?”

“Ah well, I was busy, yuh know. No time for idle chit chat in this business.”


“I did manage to catch something about one of them having found the place where he could find or get his hands on and I quote, ‘a white one.’

“A white one what?”

“A white one is all I got, honest, Sam.”

“These two ‘planners’, they got names?”

“Yeah, right. One was Zeke Bridger and the other was his mate Ike Breed.”

“Thank you Toby, if that’s all?”

“That’s it, Sam. Sure I can’t get you a drink?”

But the Warden had already turned and was making for the door. He then left but his lieutenant didn’t. He went and sat himself down among a number of tables from where he could listen in to the conversations around him, being able to pick out each one quite clearly. Not a lot got past Rock-son-of-Hud. There would be note comparing back at the Wardens’ Station later.

“Put the kettle on, someone.”

Sam had just walked into the Warden’s Station following his evening patrol with Rock-son-of-Hud, who followed only seconds later . The pair were then joined at the table by Reformed Cat Burglar Syd and ex-assassin (self styled) Archid. Sam gave a report of the patrol and then asked Rock-son-of-Hud if he'd picked anything else up after he himself had left. It seems from what he said that everyone had something to say about the two conspirators and their planned expedition and that it hadn’t gone unnoticed that the other two characters mentioned by the Innkeeper were also seen by just about everybody in the place to leave almost immediately afterwards. 

“Doesn’t sound like any gang I’ve ever known,” Offered Syd. “I mean, who discusses their plans with the community first?”

“Not connected,” Added Archid. Probably his first words of the day as far as anyone knew. Keeps himself pretty much to himself does Archid. But he’s a good lad.

“I agree but we haven’t got what you could call a hot, not even warm trail to follow have we? Plenty of witnesses but that’s about it.”

Sam was silent for a few minutes then declared.

“I have an idea or rather know of someone who may be able to throw some light on the subject.”

“You do, Chief?”

“Yes, the little lady in green who called to offer help whenever needed. I think this may be up her street. Do we know where she lives?”

“I believe she has a funny looking little home on the edge of town.”

“Funny, Syd, how funny?”

“Well I’d say it looks very much like the pictures I’ve seen of an igloo.”

“Do you trust her, Chief?” Asked Rock-son-of-Hud, wearing a quizzical look on his face.

“I believe I do, can’t explain it, just a gut feeling but I knew I could trust her when we met that one time. Only way to find out.”

Before anything else could be said or done there was a knock on the door.

Syd let the visitor in.

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