Day 38

507 0 0

76S/58W - Evening

Uhm.... hello, Dear Diary. It's been a while, huh? Apologies for not keeping my promise of making daily entries again, but... I really wasn't feeling like it. I didn't feel like complaining about the same thing every day, I guess. You know...

I'm exhausted.

It's because of - can you guess who? Yeah, bingo. It's Kalgore.

Kalgore, who has conceived the most effective training schedule for his dearly devoted subjects, and is carrying it out with unyielding consequence!

This regimen of multiple hours of firing practice and drill each day will be sure to get us on track to stop being useless!

With his profound wisdom imparted to us constantly on top of it, we can hope to be granted a slice of his great insight of the world and everything in it!

All hail our great leader!

All hail Kalgore!

All hail......

.........that MORON!

...Sorry. I had to...

I don't... I don't know why he is like that. I don't get it. I don't know why I play along. Why all three of us do! He's giving Wren such a hard time, but she never complains. And Wilk... Oh, I think I didn't tell you about Wilk yet, dear Diary?

Well, it's the tank destroyer that rolled out of the factory last week. It has a name now. And also, Wilk wants to be called "it".

It gets along super well with Kalgore, for some reason? At least that's what it looks like to me. No matter what Kalgore tells it to do, or how harshly he tells it,... it just smiles, bows its cannon, and does it. But maybe I would do the same if I also got praise for it!

I gotta say, I was extremely surprised when I first heard Kalgore drop a positive remark! I thought I had heard wrong. We were practicing a town battle situation and Wilk caught me completely off-guard... and Kalgore told it "good job". That wasn't the only time he did that.

He never says that to Wren or me when we did well! I mean, he didn't call me a "moron" for once when I kicked everyone's rears during one of the training sessions. But I guess that's the highest amount of "praise" we others can expect from him, huh?

By the way, I really started wondering what the Matchmakers think of our team at this point. They seemed concerned with us arguing not so long ago, so... I tried to talk to them about the same thing yesterday, but was just told that if there's an issue with a teammate, we need to work it out with ourselves. That's... uhm... quite a change of heart, isn't it? They told me unless there's an "urgent" question or issue, I should try to not bother them anymore. What qualifies as urgent for them, then?

I get that there won't be any Matchmakers to help us anymore once we had to leave the factory, but... while we're still here, pushing us away like this is really not necessary, I think...

Anyway. I should sleep, so I'll be properly rested for tomorrow's training.

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