In Which Origins Are Discussed

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“Well, good morning,” Minaz greeted them, “I almost didn’t recognize you, Braelin.”

“Fuck,” Festi added, “Losing a little extra hair shouldn’t change your face that much.”

Jouvi snorted, “You’re going to confuse a lot of people...”

“I thought as much,” Braelin sighed, taking his seat – it was easier now that a small step had been added, so he didn’t need to hop. Hujur had said it was a bit undignified to have him do so, even if Braelin himself didn’t mind.

“So why do it?” Vajur scoffed.

“I was curious after it was brought up,” Jurao replied, signaling for the meal to start, “It is very different.”

“Congratulations on your new courtship, Kloy,” Braelin said.

“Thank you,” the physician chuckled, “And was it my new gieuls that suggested using that as a distraction?”

“No, it was Prince Forvi,” Braelin replied with a slight smile.

“That doesn’t surprise me, either,” Kloy chuckled again.

“You have a gieuls? Who?” Festi asked.

“Not Feyl,” Gavven hummed, “Though he’s the only person I heard you’ve been spending time with…”

“It is Feyl, actually,” Kloy smiled banally.

“But!” Gnori slammed a fist on the table, then blushed, “He’s so…!”

Gavven giggled, “He’s much younger than you are, though not really young.”

“I get it,” Minaz nodded.

“You think Feyl is that attractive?” Vajur demanded.

“No, Kloy is,” Minaz and Hujur said together.

Vajur considered this, then shrugged, “Acceptable.”

“My, my,” Kloy mused, “You young people flatter me too much.”

“Well, I’m not getting distracted,” Festi snorted, “What’s even the point of shaving your face? In general?”

“Back home, I shaved during the hot season,” Braelin replied, “It just made it cooler.”

“… okay, I get that,” Festi sighed, “But your brothers don’t shave, do they?”

“No, neither of them grow facial hair,” Braelin said, “Not all humans do – regardless of gender.”

“I thought only human men grew facial hair?” Jouvi frowned.

“Mostly men do, but some women do as well,” Braelin replied, “Though many cultures think of women with facial hair as unattractive – and some also believe men with shaven faces are more attractive than those with hair.”

Jouvi chuckled, “Sounds like human beauty standards can be as complicated and varied as beastkin ones.”

“Oh, that reminds me,” Festi said, “What’s a fashion designer?”

“Like a fancy tailor,” Jouvi replied, “Why?”

“I got a request by a Petty Prince Exmarre to become the ‘Royal Tailor’, and his references included beastkin ‘fashion designers’,” Festi replied, “I had no clue what the fuck his letter was on about, but I figured you might.”

“Why do you say it like that?” Braelin tilted his head, “Is there no such position as Royal Tailor?”

“That’s a thing in the Human Realm, too?” Jouvi chuckled, “I guess it’s not so surprising, with the equally complicated beauty standards. But no, it’s not a position here in Caslavven – though the Petty King of Mavasnier employs one. Makes him more impressive to the beastkin representatives he conducts trade negotiations with.”

“… shit, that might have been one of his references, too,” Festi grumbled, “So I guess he must be qualified, at least…”

“Petty Prince Exmarre of Noskanar,” Jurao asked.

“… yes, my lord?” Festi replied.

“He was my fiercest competition in the Royal Trials,” Jurao hummed, “Though he thanked me for beating him, so I imagine this is his true passion.”

“… your fiercest competition in the Trials wants to make clothes for you now…?” Festi groaned, rubbing their temples, “Sure, why not? What’s one more staff petty royal in the growing collection?”

“There are only three of us presently,” Hujur snorted, making a note, “Jouvi or Festi, if either of you could detail the responsibilities of a Royal Tailor to me after the meal…?”

“I’m not entirely sure, though he did explain it in his package,” Festi sighed, “So I’d appreciate Jouvi’s perspective.”

“Well, my family employs our own tailor, so I know a bit,” Jouvi shrugged, “Though most of their job was being aware of current trends and beastkin traditions, which… aren’t really a thing in Caslavven. At least, not the way they are in Mavasnier.”

“Are you from there?” Braelin asked, “Mavasnier?”

“Yeah,” Jouvi nodded, “My family is Middling Nobility and mostly merchants – though almost every noble house is a merchant house in Mavasnier, being the city next to the Beastkin Realm Gate.”

Braelin nodded, “So, Kloy is from Lajaonar, the city famous for doctors,” he counted off, “Hujur is a Petty Prince of Mesgaesculs… famous for…” the human hummed as he recalled, “Hot springs?”

“Correct,” Hujur smiled, “And the Great Temple to Vislaelos.”

Braelin nodded again, “And Jouvi is from Mavasnier, the city of the Beastkin Realm Gate. Is everyone else from Caslavven, then?”

“We are!” Gavven grinned, “Why the sudden interest?”

“Well, it’s not so much an interest,” Braelin hummed, “I mean, I was curious, but I was mostly trying to remember what Forvi’s been teaching me.”

“You’ve been having lessons with Forvi,” Jurao asked.

His partner nodded, “He said as partner to the King, I should have a basic knowledge of the realm, at least.”

“That’s a good call on his part,” Minaz snorted, “Especially since you’re going to be around as long as Jurao will, at least.”

“Prince Forvi had the same idea after Jurao announced his plans for a Wish,” Braelin chuckled.

“It should be of use during the Golden Sun Feast as well,” Hujur hummed, “Yesterday, I received letters indicating we will be hosting more petty royalty than expected – so far, Gaevoyga, Engapoylao, Mesescima, and Messaonars have sent word of a petty princelin on their way.”

“In support or opposition?” Minaz asked.

“Two in support, two opposed,” Hujur sighed, “My own family has asked me to express their support of the King’s decisions thus far, and Naovojo remains neutral.”

Braelin hummed, “Mesescima and Engapoylao in support?”

“Yes, and I imagine if you know that, you know the reason why,” Hujur chuckled.

“Because Jurao is descended from two important families of both,” Braelin smiled.

“Gaevoyga and Messaonars were two of the six challengers at the Assembly,” Minaz huffed, “So I wouldn’t be surprised if the princelins make another challenge directly.”

“Who were the last two again?” Festi asked.

“Lajaonar and Mesmavas,” Minaz said.

“Well, we’ve already a petty princess in residence, but given her long absence from the realm, I imagine the Gaegaehado family will send another as well,” Kloy mused, “Laden with more gifts for her children, no doubt…”

“Naovojo usually sends a priesti of Naosuli in lieu of a royal,” Hujur nodded, “Scagesmaes and Noskanar typically send a representative during the Thunder Dueling Festival – though that usually applies to Mesmavas as well…”

“Is it usual for so many petty royals to be at the castle?” Braelin asked.

“The first Golden Sun Feast after the Unification Campaign does typically mark the start of the sending of representatives, yes,” Hujur said, “Not every city sends a petty royal, but most with heirs to spare do – usually whichever child they favor to inherit.”

“I suppose having all the intended future leaders meet together in the capital would have significant advantages,” Braelin considered.

“Indeed,” Hujur nodded, “My older sibling Vilae is the current ruler of Mesgaesculs, and brought me along with them when they made their own journey to Caslavven.”

“They thought if he actually did administrative work for a living, he’d grow tired of it and return home,” Minaz snorted.

“They must have been very disappointed,” Braelin chuckled.

“They were,” Hujur agreed, “But they’ve reconciled it. I am the second youngest of nine, so it was hardly ever my lot to inherit any kind of material position in Mesgaesculs. In any case, one of my zasu will arrive on Rainbow Day to make more of a fuss of the holiday, I’m sure.”

“Rainbow Day is a pretty minor holiday in most of the realm,” Minaz added, “But since Mesgaesculs has the Great Temple of Vislaelos, it’s very big there – and as I’ve heard, bigger in Caslavven as a result of their representatives always arriving around then and hosting an annual Rainbow Ball.”

“I never attended as General, but it will be expected as King,” Jurao said.

“You’ll be expected to go together since you’re in a romantic relationship,” Vajur added.

“Ah,” Braelin sighed, “Yes, I suppose it would reflect poorly otherwise…”

“Anyway,” Festi said, “Congratulations on your parents being alive, Braelin.”

“Thank you,” Braelin chuckled, “I’m very glad about that.”

“I saw your mother,” Gavven beamed, “She’s so pretty!”

“Eweylona has a reputation for being one of the most beautiful women in all the Mortal Realms,” Braelin agreed, “Quite a few people were surprised when she and Dad wed – since Jost wouldn’t be a strategic political partner, and he’s rather plain and unremarkable. Oh, Hujur – my father said he might help out in the Gardening Office, so he’ll likely ask to study the castle administrative system.”

“That’s a refreshing change,” Hujur snorted, “I have created handbooks, so it will be a simple matter.”

“He’s very proud of his handbooks,” Minaz grinned.

“So was Dad of his,” Braelin replied, “One of his biggest reforms was Jost’s administrative system. I’d say he won’t make the historical records for it, but given who writes those records…”

“… really?” Festi asked, then groaned, “Another one…”

“I might not get the appeal, but I will say the paperwork handbooks are great,” Jouvi chuckled, “Much easier than trying to memorize how to do everything.”

“So your dad’s into paperwork,” Festi said, “He and Hujur can form a club with my old man when he gets back from visiting Voyjur and Loscur. What’s your mom do?”

“Well, I suppose she mostly did queenly duties in Jost,” Braelin hummed, “And the duties of an Eleamera priestess – her hobby was crafting jewelry out of bone.”

“Bone jewelry is popular in Lajaonar as well,” Kloy nodded, “Mostly from trade with the Troll Realm through the gate there. Oko might know a supplier.”

“I’m sure she’d appreciate the help,” Braelin smiled.

“Bone jewelry…?” Festi asked.

“It’s pretty prevalent in the Beastkin Realm, but it never caught on in a big way in Mavasnier,” Jouvi added, “I’d be interested to see how the three differ.”

Despite the human’s face still being distractedly different, Jurao found his partner’s smile had the same warming effect as always as conversation continued.

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