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In the world of ILABAT


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"UNUJAN" - Meaning "Generational Struggle" in Agunic
Year - 1136

Skirmish of Dalisha
A man dressed in khaki clothes, with robes and a headscarf covering his hair and mouth, leaving only his eyes visible is hastily walking through an entrenched area while holding a rifle, he slides between two others holding rifles and taking cover from something unseen. They kneel down, their backs pressed against the piled dirt of the trench, looking up at the dark, star filled sky, a loud metallic bending blast sound is heard and the violent ear scratching whistle followed. As they look up they see the green glowing blast flying through the sky and just over them, landing into a town they three are facing and the bright blinding light of the jade explosion is seen, the noise only heard for a brief moment before it deafens the three rebels. The man who sat in the middle of the three jumped up and began running along the trench, coming to a stop as the trench floor ends and begins to rise over the trench, he takes position in this small corner, boring his rifle through the dirt partially and adjusting its scope, taking aim on the jadewhistle artillery manned by Magistrate soldiers, and begins firing on them. The sharp chimelike sound of the muted red blasts from his rifle being the only thing signaling his position, he quickly shoots two of the artillery hands before from a ridge over a rocky formation just left of the artillery a heavy gunner lets off shots onto the trench, the man quickly ducks down back into the trench, the shots from the heavy gun piercing the dirt and landing just arms length from the rebel man, he begins crawling on his stomach to safety "Heavy gun at southeast! Heavy gun at south east!" He shouts to his comrades also entrenched, one of his comrades opening a crate on the floor and pulling out a heavy metallic tube, made poorly and runs to the opposite side of the trench, and finding a holed opening, he aims the heavy tube through the hole. "Firing rocket!!" The comrade shouted to make the others beware, a quick sputter of sparks, smoke and fire come from the back end of the tube before the sound of the rocket shooting through the air was heard, the heavy gun fire continued until a sudden end with the sound of an echoing clap in the rocky desert landscape, "He's down!" The comrade shouted. The man who had been crawling stood back up and took position in another holed position in the trench, he aimed his scope at the jadewhistle, seeing the loader loading another energy capsule into it, he takes aim on the cradled capsule and fires on it, the sniping rebel becoming blinded by the light that fills his scope, removing his rifle from the hole and taking cover in the trench before a loud boom roars through the arid land, pieces of flesh, armor and weaponry flying. When finally all the shooting and blasts soon came to a stop, the silence broken by the shout of a comrades cheers "They're retreating!!" The comrade cheers watching the Magistrate soldiers be taken away by an emergency escort shuttle, cheers and shout followed as the hum of the shuttle fell further and further away, some began shooting their rifles in the air in victory, and the sun began to slowly rise in the east. The man who had been sniping becoming surrounded by his cheering comrades congratulating him, "Nice shot, Khan!" "Good Aim!" "That was amazing!!" the cheers only broken as an rebel officer would approach and break the crowd, "Alright, alright! Clean up this mess, troops!" The officer shouted with a smile, dispersing the crowd and stepping to Khan. Khan stood straight and slinged his rifle over his shoulder. "Khan, you did good today. You will most definitely be rewarded for this but in due time. Attend the briefing in the morning, the battle is won but not the fight." Commander Chur said, patting Khans shoulder approvingly, "Yes, Commander. Uchir'Ga Kuzhan." Khan spoke in monotone, watching as the Commander walked off to their small base.

Some hours would pass, the Kuzan rebels cleaning their stations and preparing for the briefing, the sun had risen and it gleamed onto the small hut village they were taking refuge in, trenches surrounding it. Commander Chur had called all the rebels, around forty-five, to the briefing. Chur stood atop of a large rock, a dark olive cloak hanging off his neck and shoulder and swaying in the wind, his skin tanned from the sun, and his dark slanted eyes looking over the crowd. He was accompanied by his two lieutenants, dressed in all khaki with white headscarfs and dark bandoliers. Commander Chur held his hands behind his back, as he began addressing the crowd. "Comrades! You all fought valiantly in the skirmish earlier this night and morning! And for that you will be rewarded, especially those who changed the tide of battle." He said looking to Khan in the crowd, "Unfortunately, the frontline has faltered and we will be given no more reinforcements or supplies from the Clan, so we must move back with them and move to the Village Isha, we will resupply there before moving to the River Nara in Ayunara, there we will join the main forces and plan a new strategy of assault. Pack up all the weapons, ammunition and supplies we have left and prepare the carriers, we will be moving in an hour." Chur finished, "Thank you for your loyalty, the Unujan will end with you, men!" Commander Chur pulled out his pistol, raising it to the air and firing five times, the crowd following with another five. The crowd dispersing and going off to prepare.

Khan would go to his small hut, and sat on his bedding looking around at all his few belongings, rations looted off soldiers, small trinkets and tools he had crafted throughout the years, and a small ragged yellowed book he journaled in, the leather cover inscribed "Ijagu Yunchag'u Khan (Khan's Journal)", he picked up the small booklet and flipped past dozen of pages, some with drawings of things he saw, pictures of landscapes, drawings of weapons, blueprints for things he has crafted, and portraits of comrades with dates written in the corner of the page. He flipped pages to an empty one, and began writing. "Finally a victory of a months worth of losses, yet I feel no victory within me. The end of this war is not sightly. The war began before I was born, yet when in my travels I see faces of those who never knew this war, they fear me, as if I am a monster who came down from the mountains. Perhaps I may be. The Ilarans will never understand what my people have been through, in their revolutions against the empire, they were given representation, they were given a magistrate, my people who were conquered centuries ago have never laid our weapons down yet I, the son of six generations still cannot lay down my rifle. My ancestors fought only using swords, and still we fight against the same enemy. Fizanid Emperor after Fizanid Emperor, and now we fight an Ilaran Magister. Our mothers talk of the Unujan, the endless fight, the fate of a Agun man, to fight. Whether it be fighting a stray dog for scraps, a Magistrate Guard or an Imperial Battalion, I will die fighting." He sighed, throwing his journal to the side frustrated. Sitting alone, the sound of orders being shouted and crates being lifted onto carriers is the only thing that was as loud as his thoughts. Clenching his fists he broke away from his thoughts and stood, moving to pack his own things.

Some time had past and all the supplies, weapons and ammo were loaded onto the carriers, seven carriers lined up filled to the brim with supplies and crates, with four sandrider vehicles for escorting, one of the four Khan was on.
He sat on the sandrider, a high-speed single rider hovering short vehicle meant for mobility and maneuverability in the rocky desert landscape, he adjusts gauges and dials when an officer approached him. "Just inspecting..." The officer said, looking over and inspecting the sandrider. Kuzan sandriders were the calvary and reconnaissance vehicles of their forces, each Kuzan sandrider equipped with a large sheath for an electric powered long curved sword and another for a longrifle, that sharpshooters like Khan used going down the side of the vehicle, and fasten-able straps unlike a commercial sandrider that kept the rider from falling off, with cloth to protect the rider from burning from the heat of the engine. "All looks well, carry on." The officer said walking off to inspect the others. Soon all would be expected, ropes tightened over crates, everyone properly dressed and armed and everyone aboard a carrier or sandrider, Commander Chur would shout out loudly "Annag! Uhi! Obu! Move!" Chur counted off, the carriers moving in a single file line, the hums of all the engines joining in a harmony of machinery, sputtering and buzzing off into the north of Midan...

A few hours would pass, some of the Kuzanis sleeping in the carriers, clutching their rifles, prepared for bandits or ambushes, then one of the sandriders shouted out after noticing something in the distance, "Carrier spotted! Carrier spotted!" Commander Chur perked up, looking over and pulling out his binoculars, seeing a lone pilot, dehydrated, and then the damaged carrier with dozens of shotholes in it, he then noticed the crates of weapons. "Khan, Jirun on me!" Commander Chur shouted as he had his carrier pilot diverged off their path towards the foreign carrier, Khan and Jirun on sandriders going ahead of Chur and pulling out their rifles, pointing it to the driver of the foreign carrier. "Identify yourself!" Khan shouted at the carrier, the carrier pilot letting his hand off the acceleration lever and stopping, falling back into his chair, not even reaching for his rifle. "Identify yourself now!" Khan shouted again, "Nasim Eli.." Nasim spoke unmotivated to fight back, dehydrated and worn out from the bandits just some hours before. "What is your business here, Nasim Eli?" Commander Chur asked as he got close enough to be heard without shouting. "Who are you people?" Nasim asked, his eyes squinting at Chur. "I am Commander Chur Obirun of the Kuzan Clan. Now what is your business here?" Commander Chur asked sternly. "I came here to sell weapons to the Kuzans." Nasim said exhaustedly, causing the Commander to chuckle. "Alright, lets bargain." Chur said with an amused smile, his pilot turning to him confused "We could just steal the weapons, Sir." the pilot said. "Yes but it is due time for a break anyways, stretch your legs." Chur patted the pilots shoulder before hopping off of the carrier, grabbing a canteen of water and walking to the carrier with Nasim aboard. "Armseller! Have a drink!" Chur shouted cheerfully, Khan and Jirun hopping off from their sandriders to better protect Chur, the two exchanging a confused glance as Chur approached Nasim. "Thank you, sir.." Nasim croaked out as he crawled and slid out of his carrier, onto his feet and took the drink gratefully from the Commanders hand, chugging down the water. "Thirsty, weren't you?" Chur says with a chuckle, patting Nasims shoulder. "Yes.. Yes, sir..." Nasim said in between chugs before pausing to speak further. "I was a Lieutenant for an arms salesmen in Ilabat, but tensions rose and things got messy and we had to leave... the, the others... were killed by bandits in Kanar Pass, I barely made it out." Nasim explained before sipping the canteen some more. "So you came to try and do business with us.." Chur said as he processed, "Well, we do not have sufficient means to pay you, come travel with us to Isha and there you will be paid for what you carry." Chur offered as he held his hands behind his back formally. "I was trying to head there anyways, I'd gladly follow you, sir." Nasim said more energized now after drinking water. "Great! Just fall in line and follow, it's about an hour out from here." Chur explained. "It was nice to meet you, Nasim Eli." Chur stuck his hand hand out to shake. "Likewise, Commander, Sir." Nasim shook the hand of Chur, the Commander turning and walking back to his carrier climbing onto it, his pilot awaiting him. Khan and Jirun would climb onto their sandriders again and return to formation, Nasim following with his carrier. "He had no idea where Isha is." Commander Chur joked to his pilot, chuckling as he looked back to make sure everything was in formation. He counted off once more and they set off to Isha.

Soon they'd arriving the village Isha, and following in line with all the carriers, Nasim looked around a bit suspicious, analyzing the outdated or self-made single shot rifles of the Kuzan soldiers, and their archaic choice of swords to accompany them. Nasim thought how could it be possible that the Kuzans had been fighting the Magistrate since its foundation, he remembered the various essays and lectures he had in school regarding the savagery of the Kuzans, and how at one point before his mothers death how he wished to be a City Guard one day. Lost in thoughts, time passed and the Kuzans and Nasim arrived to the small hutted village nestled in a rocky green valley that the River Nara ran through, immediately upon seeing the greenery and trees of this small valleyed village, Nasim was shocked. The dark sandstone walled city of Ilabat never offered sun to grow plants within the walls of the city. He began wondering how Asdim had known of this village, seemingly hidden from Magistrate reach. As he followed in line to the carriers, driving through the dark brown dirt roads of the village he noticed hundreds of Aguni people of the Kuzan clan, hundreds of people walking the streets, tending to chores and work and among them dozens of armed Kuzan soldiers, ready to protect them. Nasim stuck out like a sore thumb, from the olive skinned and dark slanted eyes with long straight black hair Aguni people, himself having slightly curled hair and tanned skin. The line of carriers finally came to a stop as they approached a clearing, surrounded by what seemed to be a barracks made out of poor materials inside a cave in a large mound at the end of the village, hurrying out of the barracks was at least fifty Kuzan soldiers and five or so officers ready to greet and help dismount all the supplies Commander Churs band brought. Immediately one of the officers noticed Nasim and went to Commander Chur to address it, the officer standing tall in a olive tunic that hung over his wrinkled dark brown pants and combat boots, with a cap unlike the kepi-like caps of Magistrate soldiers, it was a cultural Aguni cap turned into an officer cap, the Officer approached Chur and began to speak "Chur! It's amazing to finally see you again after so long, it has been months now. We heard word of your few but efficient victories in Midan" The officer remarked a bit sarcastically, "Well Captain Noro, I suppose our victories were few but considering the size of your band and its additional support from others, I am surprised we had to falter the entire campaign into Midan." Commander Chur replied with a passive smile, Captain Noro looked offended at Churs response but paid it no mind as he continued to speak, "Who is the Ilaran you brought to our village? You know that could qualify as a risk of security, have you verified he is not a spy?" Noro questioned suspiciously, "He is an arm salesmen from Ilabat, his companions were killed by bandits going through Kanar Pass. I had no reason to question it considering the number of shotholes in his carrier and the number of crates in it. If he were a Magistrate soldier he would've known better than to travel alone and without water." Commander Chur explained, Captain Noro looking unimpressed still replied, "Why didn't you just kill him and take the crates yourself? He is still an Ilaran, and all Ilarans participate in the oppression of our people." Noro said confidently, "Not all Ilarans, smugglers and criminals are under the same boot we are, and if we are to win against our oppressors we must realize that some may be allies." Commander Chur said before continuing, "You are still young Noro, and you have killed more lives than you have saved. Our goal is for eventual and lasting peace, not to segregate, you are a good warrior but a poor man and have much to learn." Commander Chur finished as he stood from his carrier and dismounted, Kuzan soldiers helping dismount the supply crates.

Nasim would park his carrier into a loading area, where he would dismount and inspect the damage to his crates and carrier from his encounter with bandits, as he inspected he heard footsteps approaching, Khan stood behind him, his curved swords holstered on his waist with a piece of fabric, and his rifle slung over his shoulder. "Come with me." Khan spoke in a stern monotone, Nasim would look confused but then begin to speak "I cannot leave my carrier, for security reasons, it is the only thing I have left." Nasim said, glancing to the towering crates weighing down his carrier. "We are not thieves, we need to ensure your identity and that you pose no risk to us, then you may return to your crates and be greeted for a deal." Khan explained, already fed up with the Ilarans resistance. Nasim paused to think, before stepping forward in compliance, "Fine. But, if anyone touches my carrier I will kill as many people as I can before I am shot down. Three good men died trying to get it here." Nasim said sternly. Khan scoffed in amusement at Nasims threat before walking off and leading him towards a smaller building off of the barracks. As Nasim followed Khan from the loading dock and to the small building, inscribed on top was a sentence Nasim couldn't read for it being in a foreign script, he turned to face Khan briefly as they walked towards the building, "What does that say?" Nasim asked, Khan looking over to Nasim not wanting to answer but doing so anyways. "It is the office of barracks warden, you will meet him and he will ask you questions, so save them for him." Khan said sternly as he looked off from Nasim and continued walking. "Are all Kuzan people this hostile?" Nasim asked sourly under his breath, Khan hears this and turns and stands in front of Nasim menacingly, looking at him with anger filled eyes. "Our hospitality and pacifism was exploited centuries ago, our clan learnt that your people, your empire wouldn't lend mercy, so neither do we. Do not mistake this favor we are giving you as hostility, because you have not met the hostility of the Kuzan." Khan said almost gritting his teeth. "The Empire that invaded both of our people is just as much of an enemy to my people as it is yours. I do not claim to be a Fizanid, I am an Ilaran and I've lived suffering from the Empire." Nasim responded his tone becoming argumentative. "You do not know suffering." Khan responded again monotone, clenching his fist next to his sword on his waist. "Go inside, before I change my mind on behalf of the warden." Khan said not moving from his position, not arms length from Nasim. The two stared at eachother through their eyebrows for a moment, before finally Nasim budged and took a step aside, moving around Khan and to the door of the office, Khan not even looking away as he heard the office door slide open and close as Nasim entered, only then did he walk off.

Nasim now in the office stood, looking around the dim greenly lit room, a buzzing lamp in the corner of the room, and a small metal desk with two seats on each side and in the one facing the end of the small room was a man with a greying braided goatee and a heavier more oriented tunic than the others, the man who Nasim assumed to be the warden looked up at Nasim with a inquisitive stare, analyzing Nasim and causing the palms of Nasim to sweat. "Sit and tell me your name." The Warden broke the silence as he spoke his bassy voice echoing in the small stonemold building. Nasim gave a quick nod and stepped a few steps forward and sat on the wooden chair opposite of the Warden. "My name is Nasim Eli, I am twenty years old and I am from the Nabat district of Ilabat." Nasim spoke quickly and with clarity. "I only asked for your name, sir Eli." The Warden said in his monotone deep voice. "I apologize, Sir Warden?" Nasim apologized. "Address me as Warden Abhag if not just Warden." Abhag said again monotone. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Warden Abhag." Nasim said in an attempted respect, met with silence for an uncomfortable amount of time. "Who do you work for?" The Warden asked breaking the silence. "I worked for Asdim Ilba, he and two others who were good friends and workers died just um... just earlier today." Nasim said nearly tearing up, sniffling the tears down as he cleared his throat. "Mm." The Warden acknowledged with a grunt and nod. "What are you carrying?" Abhag continued. "Oh um, around fifty AZI-2 single shot rifles, twenty IFIZ sidearm blasters, ten VIR-11 heavyrifles, two-hundred cartridges for the AZI-2's and VIR-11's, fifty sidearm cartridges and various scopes and cartridge holders, as well as tools for repairs and equipping." Nasim finally finished, Abhag nodding approvingly as he took out a robust, cracked and scratched metallic tablet and wrote down what Nasim listed. Finally finished, Abhags cold gaze returned to Nasim, "What skills and knowledge do you have?" Abhag asked. "I can repair and craft certain weaponry if I have the parts, and I worked as a mechanic for hovercraft for four years before becoming a gunsmith and smuggler." Nasim said, wiping off his nose with his arm and coughing. "I will buy the supplies off of you in exchange for protection in Ayunara and Undara, and you will be employed as a gunsmith and mechanic with pay being a place to live and eat." Abhag explained as he stood and held his hands behind his back. Nasim thought on the offer for a moment before understanding he had no real choice. He stood up as well, and stuck out his hand to shake the Wardens, the Warden looking down at Nasims hand, his head not moving, his eyes going back to make eye contact with Nasim. "We do not shake hands." Abhag simply said before continuing, "You will be given a guard, we still have reason to suspect you and the guard will overlook your actions at all time, if reported that you are out of line you will be killed. You will learn the guidelines." Abhag explained, Nasim taking a deep breath at what he just agreed to. "May I-" Nasim tried to get a question out but the Warden cut him off before he could. "You may have a resting and adjusting period of two days, you may go." Abhag said quickly, only his mouth ever moving. "Right.. Thank you, Warden." Nasim said giving a strange look to the Warden before turning and leaving the office, the sun nearly blinding him as he'd pick up his sun to cover his eyes from the sun, looking around to find someone to ask for a place to say, he'd look back to the loading dock and see Kuzan soldiers already dismounting the crates, he scoffed at the sight before looking around more. Nasims eyes are caught by a woman standing next to a sandrider wearing a long dark olive tunic and a tied cloth belt holding a sword and pistol.

He walked over to her, calling her as he approached. "Excuse me, Maam!" He said a bit loudly as to make sure she heard him, she turned her head to see the poor state of a man Nasim was and gave a dirty look. He finally approached her fully and came to a talkable distance, closer than normal with the sound of many steps and mechanic whirring from loading docks and vehicles. "Do you know where I could ask someone to guide me to a room?" Nasim asked squinting from the sun. "The barracks are that way, there may be an officer to help you." The woman said, but before Nasim could thank her or respond, Khan approached Nasim, stepping nearly between them.  "Do not speak to people unless spoken to." Khan said sternly, the woman having a confused look. "It's fine, Khan. I didn't mind." She said to the back of Khans head. "It is not fine, Arha. He is an Ilaran." Khan responded not even turning to face Arha. "I apologize, I was just asking where would a room I could stay is." Nasim tried to ease the tensions, exhausted from the day long ago. "Find an empty room in the barracks." Khan replied quickly. Nasim nodded and walked off to his carrier getting his things before walking into the cave barracks, leaving the large pad of vehicles outside the barracks. Khan turns to face Arha, knowing she must have something to say. "Sometimes you are no better than Ashlan himself." Arha said looking off, not wanting to look in the eyes of Khan. "You think me keeping an Ilaran who could be a spy, a killer, an Imperialist in line is the same as killing innocent people?" Khan said stepping closer to Arha, standing over her as he got aggravated. "You assume, just how Ashlan and the Fizanids assumed superiority to us. What better does being a fighter to our oppressors make you if you act on the same assumptions they do, Khan?" Arha said turning her face to look up at Khan, her face a bland but disappointed expression. "When a yugar attacks your family it is only safe to make sure a yugar never is near your family again." Khan says becoming more aggressive. "A yugar is animal, an Ilaran is a human, just like you and me." Arha replies sternly. "There is no difference in my eyes." Khan says in a blank tone. "Then you are lost." Arha with a disgusted tone and face before walking off frustratedly, leaving Khan stood alone...

An hour and some would pass, the moon began to outshine the sun, and the sky glowed orange and fought with the blue of the moonlight. Nasim sat on a small mattress placed on the cold dark floor, the room being dark, cold and windowless, it was in a cave after all. A slit through the metal swinging door offered the only outside light, the same dim green buzzing lamp from the Wardens office alit the small solo barrack room, though Nasim understood having a room alone was a luxury. He sat on the thin mattress, his legs crossed and his few possessions, a rifle, pistol, and knife with a few sets of clothes and scarfs laid against a corner of the room. He looked up at the ceiling, the sound of the buzzing lamp poorly attached by a hanging wire on the ceiling reminding him of the orphanage... the one he escaped. Flashes appeared in his mind, clouding his vision, flashes of daunting footsteps, a door creaking open, the doom approaching and his silent sobs that'd follow deafened by the sound of metal wire slashing his skin. More flashes took over his mind, those of the corpses of the only family he knew, a flash of a mature womans corpse lying brutalized on the floor of a unkept kitchen, the corpse of a young boy in the bed next to his, and the soulless eyes of Sharam, Nasims own eyes began to water and his body began to shake, he began to hear crashing with these flashes, and soon shouting and screaming. But he had never heard a crash like that before, another crash fell and shook the cave, and he realized it was a crash. But an explosion, he stood up hastily and grabbed his rifle and rushed out of his room, running down the eerily lit hallways of the deep barracks. Every ten steps another explosion would rattle the entire barracks and knock him off his balance, Kuzan soldiers began pouring out of the rooms and rushing down the hallways with him, finally the explosions ceased but the alarm began blaring, more deafening than the explosions as it echoed through the halls and the lights turned red. As Nasim and the others ran to the exit a crowd of soldiers pouring out blocked his immediate exit, having to shove and wait through the crowd, and when he finally did he froze. Bright fire was ablaze across the entire vehicle pad, and the village huts were burning, the skies beautiful blue was masked by dark clouds of smoke, the orange blaze reflected off of them. Vehicles bursted in flames and people were being dragged away from them and from places the explosions landed, limbs, torsos, and heads gone, dozens and dozens of corpses spread about, with soldiers panicking and running around, some young boys screaming and their ears bleeding. Soldier upon soldier shoved past Nasim and into the chaos before him, the screaming and shouts, the crackling of the unending fire turned into static in his ears...

No one slept that night and a long morning came. Everyones eyes were dragged and bodies shook from trauma. Khan rushed to the infirmary, and once he entered, the sight of rows and rows of wrapped bodies were endless or so it seemed, as he slowly walked down the rows he eventually saw less and less wrap as it ran out, fully torched bodies, missing burnt off limbs, and people with parts of their faces missing filled his sight, though he didn't stop walking, he noticed that some were not just people with missing limbs, but children from the village, he paused only to puke onto the floor, adding to the occasional puddle of blood and burnt flesh. Khan had no choice but to raise his head and keep searching, soon he found what he dreaded, Arha laid on one of the last beds, her skin blackened and blistered with burns and ashes, and a nurse tending to her as she was a fresher patient, Khan ran to the bed and began crying. "Arha! No! No!" He cried as he ran to her side, and lift his hands to touch her, stoping himself as just a touch would cause her to suffer, and clenched his opened palms into fists. "Will she live?" Khan shouted through sobs to the nurse. "I-I cannot promise anything... she is lucky to have only been burnt by fire, but our staff is overstretched, but we will try... I'm sorry." The nurse said compassionately as she dotted a gel onto the skin of Arha, her chest barely rising and collapsing to breath. Khan looked to Arha again, before turning and leaving, nearly puking again at the sight, but he managed to get out, punching the wall and bruising his knuckles, as he stood there trembling from anger, his cheeks glistening from tears. Khan raised his head and took a few deep breaths before storming off to the briefing room, he slammed open the doors and walked in, all the officers and commanders having a meeting, chattering and shouting broken by Khans entrance. "What the fuck happened?!" Khan shouted in general to the room, before realizing who stood at the end, addressing the commanders and officers, The Igirchan, Agedai, leader of the Kuzan Clan standing tall in a luxurious purple silk embroidered tunic, his black long braided beard accompanied by his long braid going down his back. Khan fell to his knees and put his head down. "Forgive me, Igirchan!" Khan pled. The Igirchan sighed and removed one of his hands from behind his back to wave Khan up, "Rise, warrior. And sit." Igirchan Agedai commanded. "Yes, Igirchan! Thank you!" Khan rose swiftly, keeping his head down as he stepped aside into one of the seat rows and sat, only then raising his head to look to the platform where Agedai stood. "We will use this interruption as a tool to reorient this address, as some could not discipline their tongues." Agedai said in his room filling voice. "Commander Kir Lan's scouts reported sightings of a large dark bird cutting through the dark clouds, seconds later that 'Bird' spat fire down onto the village and the barracks, killing one thousand, and injuring an uncountable amount more." Agedai stated, before clearing his throat. "This, as you all well know was not a bird, it was a blazedropper, an Imperial ship used for bombing. This tragic event is one many of you needed, and one I did as well. The Empire of Fizanira itself recognizes the danger we pose to it's child; the Magistrate. And it shows the desperation of the Magistrate to had begged for such a weapon from the Empire. We cornered the dog and it has bitten us. This is the reality of war of this era, it is not fought by honor but by dishonor, indirect attacks, faceless enemies, and machines. So be it, it shall be the way of war, and one we will win." Agedai spoke with confidence, before pausing. "Igirchan!" Khan spoke a bit loudly to catch his attention, Agedai looked over and lifted his hand, giving permission for Khan to speak. "I believe the Ilaran that we employed was a spy that told the Magistrate where to bomb." Khan said his voice shaking with anger. "He and everything he brought was searched, he has nothing to contact the Magistrate. Do not bring conspiracy to me, young warrior." The Igirchan spoke sternly, Khan sulking into his chair. "The blazedropper is most likely docked in Fort Aban, Igirchan!" A officer pointed out. "I am aware, and scouts have been sent to survey the fort, but even if it is, the fort is impenetrable and we have lost half our weapons in the bombing. We will need months to regain what we lost." Agedai responded.  "The Ilaran I brought, Nasim Eli, he is a gunsmith. He can design us blueprints for craftable weapons and cut down the time it'd take to regain weapons by months and possibly better quality. The weapons he brought were examined by our engineers and far more advanced than ours, even than the Magistrates weapons." Commander Chur spoke out, causing Agedai to pause and think. "If what you say is true, have him begin designing as soon as you can, but our primary resources will still be on capturing Magistrate supply carriers and forcing battalion surrenders for weapons." The Igirchan said with a consideration. "That is all for now, return to your posts and aid in every way possible. Do not let these deaths be in vain." Agedai said with a plaguing conviction, causing all in the room to shout out, "Uchir'Ga Kuzhan!" The Igirchan then left the platform, escorted by his personal guard. Officers and Commanders remaining and beginning to plan ways to distribute aid, Khan left alone in his thoughts.

Nasim sat in the corner of his small room, a bucket sitting across the room, filled with vomit as he sat, his eyes stuck still in the night before, flashes continuing, he sat there, his eyes darting across the room as if the chaos was before him, the visions began to build up too much as veins began to bulge in his eyes and temples, he shook as he clenched his fists and let out a primal scream trying to drown out the screams repeating in his head. It worked, the visions ended, but the peaceful silence did not last, a pound on the metal door awoke him, having not slept. "It's unlocked." Nasim said, his voice drowned in exhaustion and pain. The door opened and stepping in was Commander Chur, exhausted as well, he took in the reek of the bucket and sniffled. Chur immediately noticed besides the stench of vomit, the state of Nasim, changing the course he wanted to have of the conversation. "Not the best of first days." Chur joked with his buzzing voice. "Not at all." Nasim chuckled his own voice raspy. "It was a blazedropper, an Imperial bomber. State of the art, apparently." Chur spoke, looking off. "I know it, very expensive... costs twenty thousand per run, every part of that thing sells." Nasim said looking down his arms rested on his raised knees. "How well do you know it?" Chur asked. "Not well enough to replicate a blueprint, I've just heard lots. Mostly that crashed or broken down blazedroppers are scrapped and sold to nations to examine and try to copy, but the Empire hasn't sent them out this way, at least till now." Nasim explained, helping him get out of his mind. "Crashed? You can shoot them down?" Chur asked curiously. "If you have a big enough gun, sure." Nasim replied. "Could you make a gun big enough?" Chur asked, looking down at Nasim, "It'd help take your mind off everything, it'd be a big help too." Chur added. "If I had the right parts, sure." Nasim looked up at the Commander. "I can get the parts, we know all sorts of ambush points along the road from Ilabat to Fort Aban." Chur stated. "And they haven't changed routes?" Nasim asked. "They can't, it's more expensive to build another tunnel going through Mount Shayan than to attempt going around into even more dangerous regions, they only increase security, but even then they decrease after a while." Chur explained. "If you can get me the parts I can make you a gun that can shoot down dozens of blazedroppers." Nasim said his eyes brightening. "Do you want anything in exchange?" Chur asked, Nasim thinking on it before smiling. "A better room would be nice." Nasim laughed for the first time in days, Commander Chur letting out a laugh in return. "I can make it happen, meet me in three days and I will have some more work for you while we get parts." Chur said kneeling down to Nasim, sticking out his hand. "Of course." Nasim replied, looking at Churs hand for a moment, before reaching out and shaking it. "Till then, Obhan Ni'An." Chur said with a smile. "Ovan Niran?" Nasim tried to repeat what Chur said to Churs amusement. "Obhan Ni'An, it means 'Live Long' in Aguni." Chur explained with a smile. "Oh. Obhan Nian." Nasim said, still butchering it slightly. "Close enough." Chur said with a raspy laugh before walking off and leaving Nasim.

The sun fell and on top of a rocky mountain laid Khan and another Kuzan soldier, Khan with his rifle in hand and the scope pressed against his eye as he looked down. What he saw was the rocky exit of a tunnel, a smooth road coming from it, with ten Kuzan soldiers hiding along each side of the exit. "Carrier thirty seconds out." The spotter accompanying Khan said quietly. Khan took a large inhale, and as he saw the subtle light shining out from the tunnel, brightening the dark road he exhaled all the air in his lungs. His single shot rifle bolted, his finger aching on the trigger, and as the carrier slowly showed its head out of the tunnel, then its half, then the full body of the carrier was visible, he pulled the trigger, his eyelids shutting as the blast rung and whistled...

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