SIDE STORY: The Right Hand and the Human Realm

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Minaz sighed as she went through the Realm Gate, monitoring the reaction on the other side. There were few permanent Gates - this was the one under the control of the Demon Realm on both ends, in a country called Vede. There was a town mainly inhabited by imps on the other side, built underground to avoid prying eyes.

No one paid her and Exka much mind as they walked through - they were wearing plain traveling clothes, and it wasn’t rare for people to cross over just to see another Realm.

“Is this your first time here?” Exka grinned, taking the lead into town - she had a guide lined up, after all.

“Yeah,” Minaz sighed, noting how much smaller all the buildings were as they walked, “Thanks for coming with me.”

“No problem,” the current General said, “I needed someone who could fill me in on this crush business, after all!”

Exka, like her cousin Feyl, was a traditional demon with platinum blonde hair. Hers was cropped short, however, and her eyes were silver, her skin a cheerful yellow with brown spotted markings.

“It’s still hard to believe Jurao developed a romantic interest at all, nonetheless on some random human trespasser,” Minaz replied.

Exka laughed, “Nah, that’s pretty much just like him, isn’t it? Never doing what you expect!”

“Fair enough,” Minaz snorted, “I’m surprised the first lead on the old Jostian royal family is so close to here, though.”

“Well, Vede did take in a good amount of Jostian refugees during the brief civil war following the usurpation,” Exka shrugged, “At least, that’s what Vajur said. Is he still pouting?”

Minaz made a noise of disgust, “Yes.”

Exka laughed, “My condolences!”

Minaz shook her head, “It is what it is - he’s better than he was a couple centuries ago, at least. Enough about him, though - where are we meeting your contact?”

“Right here!” Exka grinned, waving at an inn.

The General led the way inside, running over to a table almost immediately and exclaiming, “Heven!”

“Hey, Exka,” the imp at the table replied, with an easy grin, “Welcome back.”

Like others of his kind, he looked mostly humanoid - his demonic heritage marked by small fangs poking out from his mouth, pointed ears, black sclera, clawed hands, and a spade-ended tail. Also like demons, he had markings on his light brown skin - black banded ones. He was also larger than most humans, at around seven feet tall.

“Thanks!” Exka grinned, “Oh, and this is Minaz - the current King’s Right Hand!”

“Nice to meet you,” Heven said, extending a hand to shake, “I understand you want to check out some of the refugee towns?”

“Yeah,” Minaz replied, shaking, “We’re looking for the old Jostian royal family and have a lead that some of them made it out here.”

“Seems oddly specific,” Heven said, but held up a hand, “Not that I’m asking for details, mind.”

“Well, it’s not really a secret,” Minaz shrugged, “One of the members of that family stumbled into the Demon Realm on accident, and the King ended up appointing him Royal Gardener.”

“Apparently, he was living in the gardens for a whole decade before anyone discovered him,” Exka grinned, “What a weird guy, right?”

You have no idea, Minaz thought, but added, “So as thanks for his hard work behind the scenes, the King volunteered to look out for his family.”

“Sounds like things are getting interesting over there, huh?” Heven laughed, “Well, I don’t really know anything about the royal family of a country as far as Jost, but I do know there are some elf-human twins living with a human ‘uncle’ a few towns over. Seems to fit the description old Pricklespine sent out.”

Minaz laughed, “That’s what you call him?”

“Not to his face,” Heven arched his brows, but smiled, “That’s a lie. I have called him that within earshot before. He didn’t seem to care much.”

“He wouldn’t,” Minaz agreed - Vajur enjoyed his notoriety in the Human Realm, so he probably liked the nickname.

“Minaz is one of Vajur’s romantic partners,” Exka said, sticking out her forked tongue mischievously before adding, “So don’t be too mean.”

“... seriously?” Heven asked, looking nervous.

“Yeah,” Minaz grinned, “Don’t worry - I know how he is. Complain all you like.”

The imp chuckled but got to his feet, “Well, I suppose you’ll want to get moving? Never met a demon that didn’t want to get their work done as soon as possible.”

“Side effect of growing up in a Realm actively trying to kill you at all times,” Minaz replied, “But I’d appreciate it, yeah - need to meet with a merchant, too.”

“For some glass elven deity statue,” Exka chuckled, “This Lord Braelin really is an odd one, building a shrine with deities from three different Realms.”

“Lord?” Heven asked, leading the way out of the inn.

“He was granted a title to go with his position,” Minaz explained, “Nothing major.”

“Makes sense, I suppose,” Heven nodded.

They traveled on a cart pulled by large oxen, since the usual carriages were too small for Minaz and Exka together. It took a few days to reach their destination, though Minaz enjoyed the different atmosphere in the Human Realm. Particularly the sheer amount of greenery compared to the sprawling scrubland of the Demon Realm. She was starting to see how one could develop a deep love of plants in such an environment.

When they arrived in the refugee town, Minaz experienced her first round of suspicion. Most of the Jostian refugees were human, and while they didn’t seem hostile, they were wary.

“Most of the people here have never seen a full demon,” Heven explained, “Only heard stories about the Great Invasions - so please don’t hold the stares against them.”

“Well, as long as no one tries anything, they’re just looks,” Minaz shrugged, looking around the town. Since it had already been fifteen years, the town was fairly well established - though clearly still relatively new.

They walked around for a bit, Heven leading the way to a little farmhouse on the outskirts of the town.

“This is where the people you’re looking for are supposed to live,” the man said, inclining his head toward the building.

“Alright, then,” Minaz said, and walked right up to knock on the door.

“... not much for subtlety, huh?” Heven chuckled.

“Why would we be subtle?” Exka laughed, “It’s not like we’re here for anything bad!”

It took a few moments before someone answered the door - an older human man with weathered white skin and short gray hair, brown eyes suspicious as he asked, “Yeah?”

Minaz thought she could see a resemblance, but she wasn’t too familiar with what humans looked like. So she said, “Hello, my name is Minaz. I’m looking for the relatives of a human man I met in the Demon Realm.”

“I don’t know anyone in the Demon Realm,” the man replied, making to shut the door.

Minaz stuck out her hand to stop it, continuing, “He ended up there by accident - white man, brown hair, blue eyes, obsessed with gardening?”

The man in the farmhouse pulled on the door - but quickly realized it wasn’t going to close. With an irritated huff, he said, “Yeah? And?”

“And the illegitimate son of the former king of Jost,” Minaz added, “Named Braelin.”

For a few moments, the human just stared at her.

That was before two taller figures - one leaning out the nearby window and the other running around the side of the building - both exclaimed, “You know Braelin!?”

Minaz took a few steps back to look at the newcomers - as Heven had said, they were two elf-human young adults, specifically Frost elven. Both were a little over six and a half feet tall, with brown skin and straight black hair - and pale blue eyes so light they were almost white, the same shade as Braelin.

“Is Braelin really in the Demon Realm?” the young woman of the pair asked, running right up to Minaz from the side of the building. She didn’t look at all afraid of the demon woman, only hopeful.

“What’s he doing there?” the young man leaning out the window asked, though he seemed like he regretted making an appearance.

“The Demon King appointed him the Royal Gardener,” Minaz replied, “You two must be the twins - Ayelma and Meir’ril, right?”

Ayelma gasped, eyes watering, “He’s really okay? And…” she laughed, “A gardener again…?”

“What else would that kid do?” the human man inside the house demanded - he still looked suspicious, but there was a give to it now as he leaned heavily on a wooden cane, “All he knows is plants… all he ever wanted to know was plants…”

“So you’re his uncle, then,” Minaz snorted, “I actually don’t know your name, sorry.”

“Of course not,” the man muttered, “Who bothers with the tottering old man, eh? Not any of these brats, that’s for sure…”

“Oh, come on, uncle,” Mer’ril sighed, still leaning out the window, “Shouldn’t you be happy? Braelin’s alright!”

“Allegedly,” the man huffed, crossing his hands on top of his cane, “I’m Owren, by the way.”

Minaz inclined her head, “Well, you’re welcome to come confirm for yourself - I was looking for you on Braelin’s behalf to bring you back, after all.”

“Really?” Ayelma broke into a wide grin, “We can go to the Demon Realm with you?”

“And see Braelin?” Mer’ril added less forcefully.

Minaz nodded, “If you want. I won’t force you.”

Owren grumbled, “Won’t force us, but wouldn’t let me shut the door… not like we have much to stay around here for, would have to move soon anyway… and clearly the brats want to go…”

Does he always talk to himself like that? Minaz wondered.

“Don’t be like that, uncle,” Meir’ril said sheepishly, ducking inside to join the man at the door, “You want to see Braelin too, right? And if we’re in the Demon Realm, Ferrick’s men won’t be able to come after us anymore, right?”

“Exactly!” Ayelma added, “But honestly, what other reason could she have? It’s not like we have any connection to the Demon Realm otherwise!”

“Or like Ferrick does, either…” Mer’ril said.

Owren huffed, “Fine then, if you two are set, ‘spose I’ve no choice. Can’t look after you if I let you go alone, after all…”

“Please don’t mind him,” Meir’ril smiled, “Uh, Lady…?”

Exka started laughing, making her own way over, “I mean, you technically are a noble, but when was the last time someone called you Lady Minaz?”

Minaz rolled her eyes, “When was the last time someone called you Lady Exka?”

“Last week,” Exka said breezily, waving a hand. Then she grinned, turning to the other three, “Hello! I’m the Demon General, Exka!”

The three didn’t seem to know what to do with that information, staring in disbelief.

“Oh, right,” Minaz said, “I’m the King’s Right Hand, Minaz. I guess that’s kind of like… his top advisor?”

Owren and the twins also stared at her - then looked past the demon women.

Heven waved his arms dismissively, “Don’t worry, I’m just a local guide - no lofty positions for me. Name’s Heven.”

“I guess… you did say the Demon King appointed him,” Ayelma chuckled nervously, “Is Braelin, uh, close with the Demon King?”

“Well, given the king has a crush on Braelin, I’d say so,” Minaz replied - though she didn’t really know how Braelin felt about the situation beyond staying in Jurao’s suite and not seeming to mind the king’s casual physical contact.

“The Demon King…” Meir’ril chuckled this time, “Has a crush… on Braelin…?”

“Yeah,” Minaz sighed, “It’s kind of a pain, but in a cute way.”

Ayelma burst out laughing, snorting as she tried to reign herself in.

“What is that boy doing…” Owren grumbled, seeming to have lost his front of suspicion in the face of the ridiculous, “Gets lost in the Demon Realm and immediately attracts trouble of the worst kind… the affection of a royal, bah…”

Can’t argue that one, Minaz thought, with some amusement.

Mer’ril, however, didn’t seem to know how to process that information. He was staring ahead blankly, frozen in place.

“But!” Ayelma finally got a hold of herself, wiping at her eye, “But it makes more sense! Why the Demon King would go out of his way to look for us!”

“But Braelin doesn’t usually… like people romantically,” Meir’ril said at last, sounding worried.

“Neither does Jurao,” Minaz said, “The Demon King, I mean - Braelin’s the first person he’s ever taken a romantic interest in. Don’t worry; he won’t be mad if nothing comes of it.”

“I hope not,” Mer’ril sighed.

“It would be like the Baroness Everyn incident all over again,” Ayelma said in glee.

“What did that noble lady even see in that boy,” Owren mumbled to himself, “He wasn’t even that nice to her and even scolded her for picking flowers out of the gardens… any other noble would have sought retribution, not a marriage…”

“A noblewoman wanted to marry Braelin?” Minaz asked.

Ayelma nodded enthusiastically, “I don’t think he even knows it happened! Oh, her father was so mad - he didn’t want her to marry Braelin, but he couldn’t stand that Braelin wasn’t even interested!”

“It caused a lot of trouble,” Mer’ril chuckled, scratching at his chin, “But in the end, it was never going to happen, so nothing came of it.”

“In any case,” Minaz said, “I have some other business to attend to in the Human Realm, so if you need time to pack up…”

“Not really,” Mer’ril shrugged, “We… weren’t able to save much, so…”

“What other business do you have?” Ayelma asked, “Will it take long? Oh, I want to go now!”

“Only have a few changes of clothes,” Owren muttered, “Can leave the rest for someone else moving in here when we go… no need to travel heavy…”

“I’m meeting up with a merchant about a statue of,” she paused, thinking of the name, “Wylylendra. Braelin put a shrine in the gardens and wanted to include him.”

Ayelma snort-laughed again, “That’s Braelin for sure!”

“Too bad we had to sell the statue we took from the castle gardens,” Meir’ril sighed, “We thought Ferrick’s men would just smash it, so…”

“I really wanted to hold onto it,” Ayelma agreed, then sighed, “But it’s more important to eat and have some funds for emergencies…”

Owren snorted, “At least you learned something…”

“Didn’t Braelin already make a statue?” Exka grinned, “An ice one?”

“Yeah, but we can’t leave part of the gardens in perpetual snow to keep it from melting,” Minaz huffed, “At least, Hujur can’t…”

“So, can we travel with you to see the statue?” Ayelma asked, eyes shining, “Then we can go directly afterward, right?”

“I don’t mind,” Minaz shrugged and turned, “Heven?”

“I’m at your disposal,” the imp replied with his easy smile, “If you want to add to our party, that’s fine by me.”

“Great!” Ayelma said, rushing into the farmhouse, “Let’s get moving, then!”

Meir’ril chuckled, “Excuse us, we’ll be ready soon.”

“Excitable brats,” Owren grumbled, even as he also went inside, “No time for an old man like me to get his bearings…”

Minaz snorted, waving them off. She was glad her mission was successful, but thought things would be getting more interesting when they returned…

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