Chapter 8

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Ryo sat beside Cassius in the family living room of the embassy, the silence between them easy but marked by the slight unfamiliarity of two souls just beginning to connect. Cassius sat comfortably yet upright, hands holding a book, casting glances at the fox by his side with a blend of curiosity and respect every now and then. Ryo’s sleek, russet fur caught the gentle glow of the room’s amber light, eyes studying his surroundings with quiet interest, occasionally flicking toward Cassius as if sizing up the elderly man. The room around them felt grand yet cozy, with elegant, old-world furniture and towering shelves lined with the worn spines of books.
“You look like you have something on your mind,” Cassius mentioned as he closed his book.
‘I’m just worried about Jaryn is all. Before he ran off after Havre we had a bit of an argument, I don’t know if I was being too harsh on him.’
“Let me guess, something about feeling sad?”
‘Roughly, yeah. I was trying to get him to stop feeling down so we could focus on more important matters.’
“I don’t think you can be too rough in situations like that. It’s how I get Garbone to behave appropriately. A little bit of screaming and suddenly he’s not moping anymore!”
He pinned his ears back for a second, unsure of how to feel about that advice. ‘Right. I think me arguing with him is what drove him to run off though. Has Garbone ever done that?’
“Oh yeah, a few times. His last attempt to run away is what got him kidnapped by Kyzaf and his little guild to begin with.”
‘Yati Fae Guild?’
“That’s the one. Honestly it’s pretty childish of you ask me. Peh, it’s like they’ve never taken any lessons on how to effectively murder enemies. The Highking knows who they are and have been tracking them down to arrest them. The branch in Symilf anyways. I’m surprised they haven’t found the identities yet of this branch here in Fzalder.”
‘Why hasn’t he?’
“Beats me. The leader of the Fzalder branch is Lord Angalt, and all twelve of his kids are in it.”
‘You should tell the Highking then! He’d probably appreciate the tip.’
“Nah. I may not agree with their actions, but I respect lord Angalt enough to let him do what he pleases. I know it’s not normal for people born as surface dwellers, but in Hell this is regular demon politics. Compared to my father, he’s as innocent as a child.”
He looked at him confused. ‘You’re a demon? I thought you were an ivierae.’
“I am. Ivierae are demons, though of course some young ivierae seem to think otherwise, but we originated from Hell. I’m surprised you don’t know this,” he mentioned, drinking from his cup of tea.
Ryo shrugged. “So, how much do you know about the Yati Fae Guild?”
“I know a bit about it. What do you want to know?”
“Do you know why they’re indiscriminately killing humans and high elves?”
“That I don’t know.”
‘I see. Do you think Ilflurer is a member of the guild?’
“I wouldn’t doubt it. He could very well the leader of one of the branches. My money is on the West Jyalb branch- they can be particularly violent there.”
‘Do you have any ideas who they could be?’
“Oh yeah, definitely. I have three people mind- Professor Rory, Professor Micnillie, or  Mr. Yiro. They’re all professors at Saint Mirnich’s School of Magic. They creep me out, honestly, and that’s saying a lot as someone who’s lived in Hell most of their life.”
‘Mr. Yiro? We actually ran into him on the way here- Akae arrested him for trying to steal the ring Aldmae Frur was delivering. Said it was cursed or something.’
“Seems like he might’ve been right all along. I get the feeling the ring is more important than we realise.”
‘Because of the gems it has?’
“Yes. It’s primarily what we use in Hell to create new spells and enchant scrolls and whatnot.”
‘Hm. I hope they were able to catch Aldmae before he delivered the ring.’
“They didn’t,” Eilis chimed in. “They caught him long after he delivered the ring. Speaking of that situation, reinforcements are going to take longer to arrive.”
“Why’s that?” Cassius asked, looking at him.
“Arkon became possessed while interrogating Aldmae- he’s fighting the knights the Highking sent as we speak.”
Their eyes widened at the news, unsure of how to react. 
“Well- Fuck. I pray to Lady Merthicz that he doesn’t show up here!” Cassius blurted out, trembling slightly.
“He’s the least of your concerns. If he possesses Akae, it’s over for all of us,” he said, revelling in Cassius’ horror plastered on his face.
“Who’s possessing me?” Akae asked as he walked in the living room.
“Arkon will be. Likely will be, anyways,” Eilis answered.
“Pah, I doubt it. Lord Benoist may have weakened my willpower but there’s no way I’m letting him possess me. I have a job to do and I’m not letting anyone get in the way of it.”
“You have a 75% chance of being possessed Akae. I’d watch your back if I were you,” Eilis said bluntly.
Akae glared at him, causing Eilis to smirk. “Is that a threat? Are you working with the murderer?”
“Of course not, I serve Lady Merthicz and her alone. But I am aware of how this usually plays out. In most cycles, you end up becoming possessed and cause major damage.”
Akae’s face turned red in fury, but he was stunned in silence and unsure of how to respond.
“That’s why you’re here, Akae. I know you didn’t want to be here, but this is the least likely place you’ll be possessed. Your job currently is to protect everyone here at the embassy.
‘You seem to know a lot about this situation than you’re letting on, Eilis.’
“Am I? I feel like it seems pretty obvious- to those that know me anyways.”
‘Do you- do you think we’re could find a non possessed Yati Fae Guild member? Someone that could help us?’
“Oh yes, plenty. Hell, it’s likely there’s one walking the embassy past now. Should be heading to the docks if I’m not mistaken, trying to meet with the Highking.”
Ryo nodded, hopping down from the couch and running down the stays to reach the main section of the embassy before running outside. He looked around, before spotting one woman rushing past the embassy. He barked as he caught up to the lady, running in front of her. ‘I need your help!’ He called out telepathically.
The lady paused upon seeing Ryo, and smiled. “Aw, what a cute little fox. What’s up little guy?”
‘Are you from the Yati Fae Guild? We need your help!’ He barked.
“Do you belong to an orc? Are you missing them? In sorry I wish I could understand you.”
Ryo growled before angrily tugging on a piece of flowing cloth, prompting her to follow in his direction.
“Alright alright, I get the picture, I’ll follow,” she said, following him back to the embassy.
The group watched as Ryo appeared back with the woman. She waved with an awkward smile. “Sorry, he led me here. Is everything alright?”
“They need information, and we think you’ll be able to help us,” Eilis said.
“Ah- I suppose I can help, but can we make it quick? I have a boat to catch to Symilf.”
“Of course. Can you tell us what you know about the situation with the butterfly murderer?”
“That’s actually what I needed to talk with the Highking about. Can we walk and talk? I can’t miss this boat- it’s the last of the month,” she asked, pointing towards the outside with her thumbs.
“I suppose we don’t have a choice. Let’s go,” Cassius said as everyone stood and followed the lady out.
“Are you going there by yourself? It’s dangerous,” Akae said.
“Oh no! I’ll be with a small group, I’m meeting up with them halfway there,” she responded. “Anyways, I know a lot about what’s going on. I didn’t understand it at first because of how the possession made my team members act. I thought it was regular demonic possession, but I realised something was wrong after my local group entirely became possessed. They weren’t hostile towards me so I acted like nothing was wrong, but everything changed when the lich showed up. He usurped the control Cathal Angalt had over this country’s branch of the guild.”
“Do you know who the lich is?” Akae asked.
“No, but it has to be either Rory or Yiro. The lich shows a very high understanding of magic, more-so than most liches. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was Rory, I know he’s had a fascination with liches his whole life. He wouldn’t shut up about them when I was attending Saint Mirnich’s.”
“Well, Mr. Yiro was arrested and found to not be involved, so that just leaves Professor Rory. If only I could capture him and question him, I’d know for sure if it was him,” he murmured, crossing his arms.
“Good luck if you try to confront him. Maybe some of my teammates can help you? I have 7 people waiting at the meet up spot, I wouldn’t mind giving up a few to help you.”
“I’d appreciate it, thank you. As a warning, be careful when you get to Symilf. Arkon, Darʌkys’ dungeon master was possessed, and he had similar strengths as me. You might want to take the northern roads.”
She nodded. “Thank you.”

After half an hour of walking, the group finally met up with the seven waiting folk.
“Took you long enough!” One teased.
She stuck her tongue out at him. “I got side tracked by these three. Meet Lord Benoist, Sir La’et, and Ryo,” she said, gesturing to them. They all shook hands.
“They’re going to confront Ilflurer. Anyone interested in helping them?”
“I’d love to, but I want to testify about my scars, and see about being pardoned from when I was possessed,” one said, pointing to his infected scars.
“I’ll help. I’ve been dying to show that zombie a thing or two about messing with my comrades,” Tassira said, pounding his fist into the palm of his hand.
“I will too!” An’thaehl said.
“Count me in. He’s been talking nonstop about someone named Garbone, I’m interested in meeting them,” Morinthir said, crossing her arms. Cassius nodded in approval, though not for the reason she’s thinking.
“Great, then it’s settled. The rest of us will go to Darʌkys while you three help them out. Let’s all meet up back at the demon embassy once we’re done- if that’s alright with you, Lord Benoist,” the lady said.
“Absolutely. I’ll have my butler set up arrangements for you all to stay, maybe even have him cook up a nice feast for your work.”
“Your butler can cook? Fancy!” Morinthir exclaimed.
Cassius chuckled. “Yeah, he’s a jack of all artistic trades. I think you’d love it at the embassy, especially if you like meeting new faces regularly,” he said as they all began walking towards the Angalt estate.

After a couple hours they finally reached the estate, where Cathal stood waiting for them to come. He didn’t bother hiding his scars, given how gravely ill he already looked, hunched over desperately balancing on the cane. His scars looked far worse than any other person Cassius had seen, it was like nearly half of his body was covered in the sickly green scars.
Cassius couldn’t help but laugh seeing the condition he was in. “You’re looking for a fight? In your condition? It’s pathetic seeing you like this,” he said, cracking his knuckles.
“I may be weakened but I still have me powers,” Cathal groaned in a thick accent, blinking his third eye. It turned a bright blue as he pointed to a few different spots, portals opening with each one. 
Cassius grinned as he ran at Cathal- dodging each newly opened portal with ease. Cathal tried to summon more, but Cassius was too fast. Catching up, he sucker punched Cathal, a squelching sound could be heard as his face caved in, knocking him backwards. Taking his momentarily stunned state, Cassius swept his leg under him, knocking him down, his lower half of the body falling into one of the portals. He died right as he hit the ground.
Cassius stood and waited, expecting something to happen as he held his arms behind his back.
Everyone watched on, looking at each other as they were also waiting.
Suddenly, Cathal moaned out as he grabbed Cassius’ ankle. 
“What the fuck!” Cassius shouted, jumping backwards, and inadvertently pulling what was left of Cathal out of the portal, his lower half of the body completely missing.
Everyone stared in shock.
“He- he’s supposed to be a baby. Why isn’t he a baby??” Tassira cried out.
Cassius snapped out of his shock as he heard a sickening crunch, teeth sank deep, tearing away a chunk of muscle and skin. Blood poured from the gaping wound, the edges ragged and pulsing as his scream echoed- a chilling mix of pain and horror as the jagged wound exposed raw muscle and bone beneath, causing him to fall to the ground.
“You’re not a knight, you’re not supposed to be a zombie!” Was all he could think to scream out between the surprise and the searing pain. An’thaehl gripped his axe tightly, quickly stepping forward as he threw it, landing deep within Cathal’s head, splitting it in half as he crumpled to the ground, fully dead.
Cassius, though hyperventilating, made sure to pull out the axe and carefully push the has two halves of the head together before scooting away.
Morinthir Then rushed to Cassius, examining the wound before using her dress to wrap the wound tightly. 
Tassira was stunned in silence, watching as Cathal began to glow a blinding white, his body morphing into that of a baby. 
Cathal cried out as the glow faded, revealing all the deep scars on his body and his still missing lower body. Tassira stepped over and picked him up, blinking as she processed what happened.
“That’s. Better..” She murmured, cradling the baby.
Cassius sighed as he regulated his breathing, looking up at the now baby Cathal. “Maybe it’s best if Cathal and I hang out here while you all rescue Garbone and Lennon,” he said as Tassira handed him Cathal.
“I’ll stay out here with you, make sure you don’t pass out from your injury,” Morinthir said, sitting next to him.
Everyone else nodded, and snuck inside the estate.

Splitting into two groups; Ryo followed Akae through the empty kitchen, leading into the hallway while Tassira followed An’thaehl into the dining room.
Lennon groaned as he stumbled through the hallway, leaning against the wall for support. His back was facing the couple, so they couldn’t see the scars that had widened and began dripping.
Ryo and Akae looked at each other, rather concerned as they could recognise his condition was similar to Cathal. Akae looked back at Lennon, and crept up behind him.
Suddenly, Lennon whipped around to face Akae, stumbling as he did so, revealing just how much his body was starting to decay. Though he was alive and breathing, he looked sickly green all over even outside the scars that were covering half of his body.
Akae recoiled, trying not to gag. Lennon tried to swipe at Akae, but he dodged in time, and grabbed both of his wrists with one hand.
“He is the light, and you are hiding in the dark like a coward. You should be with us,” Lennon hissed, attempting to bite him.
Akae used the palm of his other hand to hold back Lennon’s head, his heart sinking seeing the condition he was in. “It’s okay Lennon, we’ll save you. Somehow,” he said reassuringly.
“Save? I’ve already been saved! You will be too once you meet the true Lord of ivierae,” he cackled.
“I’m not listening to this,” he said as he pulled out his wand, pointing it at Lennon as the tip glowed. A glowing ribbon of magical energy wrapped itself tightly around Lennon’s body and mouth, gagging him. Akae then picked him up with ease. “Now that just leaves Garbone and Duchess Havre,” he said, sneaking down the hallway. At least he tried to, but the floor kept creaking under him.
Ryo ran up to stop him before leading the way, carefully peering into each room before moving onwards. All the way down the corridor he heard talking, knowing it was the lich and Havre, and gave Akae a yip.
He looked at Ryo confused before asking: “Ilflurer?”
Ryo nodded. Akae nodded back before creeping up to spy in on the conversation.
Havre seemed less energetic, swaying slightly as she slurred her speech. “Iiii completely forgot what I was doin’,” Havre murmured.
“We were discussing your village. How’s everything going over there?” Ilflurer asked.
“Uh, good. Aside for my village bein’ attacked, y’know,” she said, lying back in her seat, obviously disinterested.
“Are you alright? You seem quite upset,” he said, his tone betraying his feigning ignorance.
“Huh? Yeah, I’m good,” she cracked a slanted grin.
Akae glared at the lich, both staring daggers and trying to suss out if he was really Professor Rory. He couldn’t quite put a finger on it, but he did recognise him somehow.
Ryo suddenly pawed Akae’s leg gently, causing him to look down at him. He led Akae over to the stairs leading to the basement. Akae quietly followed as the two descended down the stone steps. 
Aislin waited patiently at the doorway, hand nervously covering her mouth as she watched the two. “We have Garbone in the room, but Jaryn’s been poisoned by Kyazf.”
Ryo let out a whine, rushing into the room to get to Jaryn’s side, careful not to wake the sleeping Kyazf. ‘By the gods Jaryn, are you okay?’ He asked, his two front legs standing on Jaryn’s.
Jaryn shook his head no. “Everything hurts,” he murmured, blood dripping down his lips.
‘We’ll get you fixed up once we get back to the embassy. Can you stand?’
Ryo backed off of him while Jaryn attempted to get up. He struggled desperately, but was eventually able to stand- leaning against the wall as he became dizzy.
Akae walked in the room, concern etched on his face for Jaryn. He then turned his attention to Garbone who was still asleep, and tried to gently wake her, but wasn’t waking up. He sighed quietly, picking her up and hoisting her over his other shoulder.
He then faced Jaryn. “Think you can climb up the stairs?” Akae whispered.
“Y-yes,” Jaryn said, stumbling as he walked towards the doorway. He went up the first few steps, but unable to hold his balance, he yelled as he tumbled down, thankfully caught by Akae before he could hit the ground. Unthankfully, the yelling was enough to wake up Kyzaf, and he ran out of the room to catch up with the group.
“Where do you think you’re all going?” Kyzaf hissed, drawing his sword.
Akae readied himself to fight, throwing up his arms ready to throw a punch. “We’re leaving. You can’t stop us, I’ll make sure of it,” Akae threatened.
The two glared at each other until Ilflurer stood at the top of the stairs. “What’s going on?” He asked nonchalantly.
“My love! Akae and his goons are trying to snatch away Garbone and Lennon. I’ll stop them for you!” Kyzaf exclaimed.
He put a hand up as to say stop. “That won’t be necessary. Cathal in his dying wishes told me to let them all know we’re on good terms for now and that they can return home with the brothers.”
“What? But we worked so hard to get you them, please-“
“That’s enough, dear,” he growled. “If you love me you won’t question my decision to follow Cathal’s wishes.”
“I-I didn’t mean to question you. I’m sorry. Uh, here, let me help you up the stairs Jaryn,” Kyzaf said, pulling him over his shoulders as everyone awkwardly ascended the stairs.
“I saw Havre chatting with you. Where is she? And can I talk to you?” Akae asked, looking at Ilflurer.
“She’s waiting with Lord Benoist. And we will in good time, don’t you worry,” he flashed a dangerous smile, stepping aside to let everyone out of the basement. 
Kyzaf carefully handed Jaryn off to Akae, acting as if he didn’t just doom him moments prior. Ilflurer wrapped his hands around Kyazf’s waist as they watched them leave. Kyzaf smiled, melting into his embrace.
Aislin followed them all out, a little freaked out by what went down.
Outside, Morinthir, Cassius, Cathal, and Havre sat together chatting. Cathal had finally stopped crying and was babbling.
“Where’s Tassira and An’thaehl?” Akae asked.
“They went back to the embassy. I didn’t feel like limping around just yet so I’m waiting here,” Cassius said.
“Are you able to walk at all?” Aislin asked.
“I’ll be fine for now, this isn’t the worst injury I’ve sustained. Oh- Akae! You have Lennon! Thank the gods. Is he alright?” Cassius asked, standing up carefully.
“Hard to tell. This, uh, scar that those possessed by Ilflurer have seems to be weakening him. Lennon how do you feel?” Akae asked, using his wand to remove the binding on his mouth.
“Like shit,” he murmured, resting his head on Akae’s shoulder. “At least I’m finally not possessed anymore.”
“It’ll be alright grandson, we’ll get you nice and fixed up when we get back,” Cassius said, limping over to kiss his forehead.
“Thanks grandpops. How’s Garbone?”
“They’ll be fine, Ilflurer put them under a heavy sleep spell. I’ve tried waking them up, but we’re just going to have to wait.”
“Oh good! I was worried about him,” Morinthir said, looking at Garbone as she blushed.
Aislin side glanced her. “But you don’t even know them. Did you hit your head?”
“Oh hush! I can be concerned about people I don’t know. Why do you think I’m part of the guild?”
“It’s not that, it’s just- you seem more concerned over one person than usual. Ah, whatever, let’s just drop it. Let’s go to the embassy before I start falling asleep,” Aislin said, walking north.
“Sounds good to me,” Cassius said as he and everyone else followed.

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