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Morning Brew We Brew a Little Trolling The Knight of Cups

In the world of Oniran

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The Knight of Cups

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With the beans roasting, the syrups simmering in their saucepans, Fluff mixing dough in the kitchen, the dishes washed and the few tables strewn about the place thoroughly wiped down, Coffee continued restlessly tapping her fingers along the bar counter. It was certainly a quiet day today, the last patron having left about, say, half an hour ago. But in all honesty this was to be expected for a café at midday right smack in the middle of the week.

"Shen, dear, do you have the tim-"

"Noon. It was noon the last time you asked, it is still noon, and it will continue to be noon when you inevitably ask again five minutes from now," he interjected, not even looking up from his sweeping, "the lunch rush won't be here for another hour, you'll live."

She sighed, slumping against the counter.

"You could always do what managers do best and give yourself some work to do."

"Everything's already accounted for, I'm afraid, not really much else to do at the moment."

Shen's ears perked up, "Not even helping whoever's about to walk in?"



The ringing of the bell above the door cut off her confusion, followed by a cheerful humming and the heavy thuds of leather boots on hardwood.

"Why, hello there! I do hope this fine day has treated you well!"

The man, at least by the sound of their voice, that just entered was certainly a character by Littlekeep standards. A bit on the taller side, wearing simple travelling clothes underneath a thick, warm looking cloak and an irresponsibly large gauntlet, masked by a visor with its plume framing him in a great big mane almost half his height. Despite the appearance, or perhaps because of it, the warmth he gave off was palpable.

"Aw, right back 'atcha, darlin!" Coffee's eyes lit up at the stranger, her tail waving just a touch faster, "Welcome to The Black Tower Barista, can I getcha' anything?"

The Knight scratched his head, or helmet rather, while walking up to the counter; sharing a polite nod with Shen as he did so. "I trust that you can! But uh. Hm. I'm not quite sure what that 'anything' is at the moment. You see, this is my first time venturing into this town, er, Littlekeep, yes? Though I am familiar with this establishment so I do believe I'm fairly just in the assumption that you serve coffee and other such beverages?"

"You'd be right, hun. No worries, day's been quiet so far so take your time."

Shen exhaled, ever so slightly, in amusement at her clear attempt to ration out the social interaction.

"Hm, yes. I do believe I will, it's a rather lovely little establishment you have here I do say. Yes. I could find myself lounging by the fire for hours indeed." the Knight accepted, gesturing towards the lounge area set up around the crackling fireplace; no doubt wanting to sink into the plush seats and abundance of pillows and blankets.

"So, you said it's your first time in Littlekeep, I reckon you the adventurin' type?"

With a pleasant hum the Knight selected a seat at the bar and sat down with gusto, gently thumping his hand onto the counter as he did so. "Ha! Indeed I am! Or rather, I'm a bit of a Wanderer, you see. No real destination in mind, seeing the sights, surviving the perils, helping those in need, endeavors of that sort, you understand."

Coffee held a hand to her chest, "Oh bless your heart, you didn't have much trouble getting here, did ya? Travellin all by yourself?"

"No worries here! Hm. The only event that comes to mind was a bit of a scuffle I had with a rather nefarious, dastardly alchemist back in Dawngrove. Yes. I'd say it was about 2, perhaps 3 months ago?" Just before he finished his thought his 'face' lit up, "In fact, now that you mention it I haven't been travelling alone as of recently. It wasn't always that way, you see, but I've had the good fortune of befriending a fellow adventurer on my way here!"

If her heart was any warmer hearing this she'd probably start crying, "That's wonderful! Are they still with you now?"

"Yes! I believe they're somewhere in town seeking supplies, or was it for gear maintenance? Or magic related? I don't quite recall, but I'm sure they'd love to meet you! Hm, yes. Anyways, pardon me for stalling, I suppose it's about time to place my order. Yes. I think I'd quite like to try-"

"Ay Cawf, remind me to double the milk order next time we needa' restock I think that asshole got into the supply again last night. Been doin this shit for days man the guys are startin' to think it's kobolds-"

The doorway into the tower opened abruptly, followed by the clinking of cups, jars, and silverware against Bean's glass arms. Neither sound raising above the damn near yelling that was his 'indoor voice'. He, having looked up from the counter for just a second once realizing there was a customer, made the closest thing he could get to a pleasantly shocked expression before circling the counter and spreading his arms out wide.


"Ha! Well I'll be a goblin's Affinity! Hello, hello! Yes! So good to see you, old sport!!!" the Knight rose from his seat, meeting Bean halfway and sweeping him into a valkyrian hug, both of them laughing up a storm.

"Oh! Wasn't expectin y'all to know each other!"

"Ah you don't know the 'alf of it Cawf, I'm tellin ya, me and this guy? We go WAY back!" Bean gave the Knights shoulder a hearty smack, "I'd invite this sunava bitch to my weddin if I actually cared about that sorta thing eh?"

With a smile tugging the corner of her mouth, Coffee leaned forward against the counter, the look on her face less of confusion and more of a smug curiosity. "Bean, darlin', we grew up together. You been hidin someone from me?"

"Brother if you weren't payin attention that ain't on me I'll tellya that much"

"Ha! Well, better to be acquainted late than not at all I do say!"

"So what brings you to lit'le ol' Littlekeep, eh? Still got that broth on ya? Need more of them jars?"

The Knight, laughing heartily, reached into his bag; out from which he procured a rather pristine glass jar with a beautifully clear and rich amber liquid swirling inside. "Ah just the usual travels, my friend. Yes. And I'm surprisingly still well stocked on jars for the moment. Lucky for you this batch here is still fresh! Go ahead! On the house I say!"

"Well well well don't mind if I do!~" Bean replied, plucking the jar from the Knight's hand with waggling fingers. "I've been doin some brainstormin recently, I think I gotta recipe that might work."

"Recipe?" Coffee slipped in, side eyeing the jar.

"A funny story, really. You see, Bean here is rather determined to uncover a way to unite my broth with his coffee. Hm. I can't say I see the appeal, but I will admit it becomes slightly more drinkable with each attempt!"

"...Bean, hun, why?"

"You tellin me you're surprised by this?"

Coffee sighed, clearly trying to hold back a laugh.

"Not only am I not surprised, I also wanna know if it could work."

"Ha! I'd expect no less from two dedicated baristas!" the Knight made a move to sit back down, "Now, before I forget, I do believe I would like to have-"


The chaotic rattling of the bell cut off his order, followed by multiple sets of thudding leather boots on hardwood and the door slamming closed again. A group of four had skulked their way into the building, single file, all while snapping their fingers in unison. All of them Knights, four different variations of "Rat" from the looks of it. The sheer impossibility of looking any more nefarious, dastardly even, was something to marvel.

The three at the counter exchanged looks; Shen turned to the next page of his book without so much as a glance or equivalent sign of recognition.

The rat in the lead, who also looked to be the skrunkliest of the bunch, turned to face them; with the confidence and grace of a drunken rogue he made his way towards the counter, the rest of his gang still snapping in unison. The Knight cleared his throat.

"Well, hello there! I do hope this fine day has-"

"Shut'yer trap, old man!" the rat cackled.

"Old m- old man? I'm in my 30s."

The skrunkly little rat stopped just in front of the three, his back hunched forward and hand laying lax on his belt buckle, before looking around; feigning interest in his surroundings.

"Huh, nice place ya got 'ere. Real cozy lookin' and all that. Yeeaah. Be a real shame if a little somethin somethin happened to-it, huh?"

Bean blinked to process what was happening, which was rare for him, before turning to Coffee; pointing at the rat as he did so.

"Okay so that was totally a threat or somethin, right?"

"Don't 'ave to be, long as everyone 'ere plays nice, eh?" the rats behind him chuckled in unison, the snapping finally ceased, "So lemme axe youse a question, who's the bloke runnin this joint?"

"Bloke? Brother, pick a struggle-"

"That would be me, hun," Coffee crossed her arms, brow raised, with a downright irresponsible amount of disapproval and unamusement radiating from her eyes, "and as the 'bloke runnin this joint' I'd say it's in y'alls best interest to get out. Now."

All four rats chuckled in response, with the leader whipping out an appropriately nefarious looking dagger from his belt. Although hard to see, a layer of schmutz coated the dagger and dripped off the pointy end, no doubt a chemical of some kind.

"Heheheheh. So 'eres whats gonna 'appen, toots, you're gonna take all the moolah in that jar over there and you're gonna put it in my goon's sack over 'ere."

"...the tip jar?"

One of the three, the large burly one to be precise, stepped forward. The sack they held up clinked as it moved around, probably around halfway full, and it looked as if the symbol for Marks was crudely painted onto the burlap material.

Bean threw his hands up, exasperated, and said with a tone almost of concern, "You really doin this? Broad daylight? Four people in the building and one in the kitchen? You- brother- you realize that big guy sittin at the fire back there was one of them demon slaya's, right?"

"Leave me out of this." Shen adjusted in his seat and flipped to the next page.

"Don't care, didn't axe, plus I bet I could take all youse by myself!"

The Knight stepped forward, chin up in recognition and holding an arm in front of Bean, "Hm. Really now?"

"Yeeeaaah. So what'sit gonna be?"

"Hm. You raise a respectable point, I trust that you've accomplished a great many feats to lend credence to this declaration of prowess?"

"Heheheh oh I'll lend some credence to-ya alright." the rat waved his dagger around, "this baby right 'eres named 'credence' now"

"Ha! Very well, villain!" the Knight stepped forward once more and brandished his fists, "Finally, a worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendary!"

He swore he could see a flash of intimidation in the rat's eyes.

"Well, y'know what they say old man-"


"-y'know what they say old man, never bring a fist tuah KNIFE FIGHT-"

It was pathetic, honestly. With a scattering of deep red sparks and a reverberating clash of metal, the rat's attempt at a thrusting attack had been parried by the Knight's big meaty gauntlet. And, as if the rat was now stuck in slow motion, the Knight just as casually sent his other, unarmored fist directly into the stomach; strangely enough this also produced a reverberating clash of metal. A mix of groans, oofs, and 'oh mans' followed.

"A-alright, buddy that's it! GOONS! STICK 'EM!!!"

"Hmph. Well that's no way to fight honorably now is it-"


The Knight, startled, whirled around on his heels and was met with...nothing. Nothing except for one of the rats, this one looking rather average, unconscious on the floor; Coffee standing over him, gripping the handle of a now broken bottle, flashed him a cheeky smile.


The two (the last one turned out to be an Elf by the way) that remained by the door laid unconscious as well, Shen sitting atop the large one with his book still in hand. He cleared his throat and turned the page.

"Huh. Well. I'd say we all handled this pretty well! Yes! Now, I'll keep watch over this lot. One of you should best alert the proper authorities, post haste!"

Bean chimed in, walking between him and the rats and setting down a large empty crate. "Authorities? Nah, Littlekeep's too lit'le for that."

"Huh, well, then how do you suppose we teach these rapscallions a lesson?"

"Oh that’s the easy part, we'll just take everything they owns strip em down to their loincloths send em into the woods and see what 'appens."

The Knight stood in silence for a moment, looking down at the skrunkly, looking back up at Bean, and then turning to the bar counter with a shrug.

"Now, I hope you're not thinkin that act a' kindness won't go rewarded, darlin', it's on the house now! Consider it paid for by that fella on the floor there."

"You're too kind, I say! Well then, I do believe I'll take you up on that immediately!"

The Knight stroked what would be his chin.

"Now, I believe I would like-"

Hope you enjoy reading about these 4 little guys, god knows I love writing them!

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